Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve!!!!!! We just opened an early present from our friends Mr. Dick and Miss Patty, who live in Kentucky. It was a camcorder! It will be soooo much fun to record tomorrow morning. The problem is that we have to get to Wal-Mart before it closes at six to get a tape for it. I bet it will be a pretty crazy place! We went twice yesterday and the second time we went the whole parking lot was close to being full. And the lines . . . that was another story. My Dad has this issue with waiting in lines and will even go to a Wal-Mart he thinks will have the most open lanes. His other issue is not only waiting but choosing the right one. Most of the time we will start in one and then move to another because he thinks it will move faster. By the time we get in the other line the one we were just in will be moving faster than any lane in the store! We still love him though. Last night he made the line choice of a lifetime. A lady opened her lane and he FLEW in, hence we ended up being the first person in line . . .

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