Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So, if you have read my profile, my facebook, or my Twitter, you have probably come to the conclusion that I have an thing for China. I must say, this is very true. For a few years I have wanted our family to adopt from China specifically, but, unfortunately, we have too many kids! Really, we do. The government itself doesn't allow families with more that four minors living in their home to adopt. It was really a sad "dead end" to the hope I had that something could be done, or a rule could be waved in our favor. I've resigned myself to the fact that one day, it will be my time to do it- before I have over four minors living in my home, and after I turn 30 (another rule/requirement). Since nothing can be done on that subject (the subject of adoption, that is) at this point in time, I have decided to focus on the here and now. I have a burden for China and things can be done for the Chinese that isn't exclusive to a certain age or a certain number of children, or, in my case, siblings. I have "looked" at mission trips hosted by different organizations for about a year now, but just never found the right thing. I am happy, overjoyed really, to say that this October, 2009, my dad, two other friend and I will be traveling to China for a little over a week. I will not disclose the details of our objection on the trip right now, but would really appreciate prayer in this matter. Our original plan was to leave either the 2nd or 4th of October, but possible flights for that time seem to be saying the 1st is the most probable. I am 3/4 of the way to my goal for financial support, which is a huge blessing.

Many thanks to the Orchestrator of the trip, and for His provision in making it possible.

Wan' an!

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