Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Passion & Purity" . . . one of the best books that I have ever read. It's author, the one and only . . . Elizabeth Elliot, has the deepest insight and wisdom on the subject of purity. I first thought the book was called "Passion for Purity" and thought I really needed to read it. My reason for wanting to read it was very simple and a little disappointing to me personally. I had started noticing I had lost my "passion'' for purity. Yes, I still led a life of being committed to purity, but wasn't passionate about it anymore. It seemed normal; all of my friends are committed to purity as well, so it's not like I am ever under peer pressure (it's kind of like having a nose-so does everyone else!). My thinking was "Yeah, I'm committed to purity . . ." and not "Yes! I'm committed to purity . . .".Anyway, I asked my Dad if he had ever heard of the book and if he thought he could get it for me and he said he thought it was called "Passion & Purity". I got it, read it, and was amazed. I love how God worked that whole book thing out! I thought if was about having a passion for purity, but it was about having passion in purity. I found that the passion for the purity stems from the passion within the purity, and not necessarily with a human, but with God also. You have to value the worth of the purity to gain a passion for it. You will have no passion for something, nor will you protect something that is not important to you. I wouldn't try as hard to protect a person I have never met as much as I would my parents or one of my brothers. I might want to protect that "stranger" and might even try, but I wouldn't do it as fiercely for them as I would for the people I love and value. I read a book that I thought didn't really pertain to my "issue", and was (and still am) exceedingly enlightened and inspired. If you get the chance, read the book. It is amazing insight, but as great as the insight is Elizabeth and Jim Elliot's love story will be one of the larger tools in birthing within you a passion for purity. "The greatest things come at the highest price . . ."

Monday, January 26, 2009

I have been listening to Yo Yo Ma for about 45 minutes, and I must say it does make you feel smarter. Oh, yes . . . there is the keyword "feel". Who knows . . . . I'm trying to broaden my "musical horizons", if that is even an acceptable term. I like classical very much, hence the broadening isn't that difficult. I don't know what my favorite genre is (besides Christian music). I think it just depends on where I am and what mood I'm in. Oh, the weather does have a lot to do with it as well . . .

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Branching Out

Wow! I haven't been on here in a very long time! I normally just sit at home and do boring things (Some not so boring! Knitting can be fun! So can reading!) and wish I could do something that involved the world outside the walls of our house. Most of the time I take a walk down the lane or back to the woods and the feeling passes, but recently I have branched out a bit. I have begun working at a pastor's retreat lodge (not every retreat is for pastors) and am enjoying it much more than I thought I would. Last night was my first time serving dinner, and it went surprisingly well. I was very nervous because everything is very formal, like . . . . the "Lodge" is an old mansion that overlooks a river and sits on the most beautifully kept grounds, and everyone is rather dressed up. Last night I served for a Revive Our Hearts (Nancy DeMoss' ministry) retreat/conference/summit. It was a wonderful group of people to "practice" on. I knew most of them and also got to meet some of the others. At one point when Mrs. Garr and I were topping off tea and water, Miss Nancy asked if she could interrupt her table's conversation and introduced Mrs. Garr and I to everyone at her table. The were all so sweet and saying "thank you, etc.". Come on, how often do you get to interact with such amazing people while "working"?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Song Writing

Today was a pretty fun/productive/interesting day. We had company from last Wednesday to yesterday afternoon, hence we were pooped. In a good way. We didn't make it to church this morning so we virtually did nothing. We watched no TV, and that is not because we are legalistic or think it's wrong to watch TV on Sundays, it is simply because . . . my Dad turned our satellite off! I don't really care, but my brothers are in mourning. So . . . today I read quite a bit from one of Elizabeth Elliot's books Passion and Purity. I am in awe of her. I've known her story for years, but reading from her heart pushed me into my "awed" state. I'll tell you later what urged me to read the book in the first place. Another story, another post . . .
Anyway, I also productively spent my time writing a song. I wrote it between a piano and a guitar, but can't decide which I like it best on. Probably the guitar. When I'm sure that I'm finished I will post the lyrics. My new goal when writing a song is to make sure that is it conducive to congregational worship. You know how certain artists' ,Steven Curtis Chapman for example, writes songs, but only he could sing them. But others, Chris Tomlin for example, write songs that anyone could sing and worship in. That is my goal.