Sunday, January 4, 2009

Song Writing

Today was a pretty fun/productive/interesting day. We had company from last Wednesday to yesterday afternoon, hence we were pooped. In a good way. We didn't make it to church this morning so we virtually did nothing. We watched no TV, and that is not because we are legalistic or think it's wrong to watch TV on Sundays, it is simply because . . . my Dad turned our satellite off! I don't really care, but my brothers are in mourning. So . . . today I read quite a bit from one of Elizabeth Elliot's books Passion and Purity. I am in awe of her. I've known her story for years, but reading from her heart pushed me into my "awed" state. I'll tell you later what urged me to read the book in the first place. Another story, another post . . .
Anyway, I also productively spent my time writing a song. I wrote it between a piano and a guitar, but can't decide which I like it best on. Probably the guitar. When I'm sure that I'm finished I will post the lyrics. My new goal when writing a song is to make sure that is it conducive to congregational worship. You know how certain artists' ,Steven Curtis Chapman for example, writes songs, but only he could sing them. But others, Chris Tomlin for example, write songs that anyone could sing and worship in. That is my goal.

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