Friday, December 5, 2008

Snow & Burning Plastic

I'm officially having an awesome day. I got up, did everything I needed to, and now am just enjoying the falling snow and listening to Christmas music. I was a little burned out on Christmas music due to the fact that I listen to it pretty much all year long, but now I'm lovin' it! I think one of the best things about living in the north is that you always have something to look forward to. Starting in November there is pretty much always a chance of snow. It's wonderful!

Funny story . . . My brothers had two of their friend over last night for a sleepover. They all hang out in our basement with the TV, the Wii, and all other necessities for a boys sleepover. Anyway, my dad took my oldest younger brother and me to town (to the mall and such) (and can I just say that I am in love with the new Mac books!) so we got home after the friends arrived. I had to go to the basement for something and thought I smelled smoke, so when I came back up I told my parents. My mom freaked out and my dad went down to check it out. Let me give you a little history on our family and fire . . . Last September our house was being built so we were staying at our friends' house while they were out of town. Well, one night my mom smelled smoke, but we didn't really pay attention to it because she always "smells smoke". A little later my parents went downstairs (We were sleeping in the finished basement) and I was sitting on the couch watching TV when I heard something popping or cracking, if you will. After a few minutes of listening to it, I got up and tried to figure out where it was coming from. It was coming from the kitchen around the microwave and the stove/oven. Upon this discovery I found something else; smoke. I ran to get my dad saying "There was smoke". Once he got up there he began looking in the microwave and oven but there was nothing. My mom hadn't been up there very long when we finally realized what was happening. The house was on fire. It started in the wall between the back porch fireplace and the oven/stove. It was definitely the hardest thing our two families have ever been through, but God was faithful and gracefully got us all through it.

Now you can see why we began freaking out over the smell of smoke. We all went down and began sniffing until our heads hurt. I came back upstairs and prayed about with my oldest younger brother, Chancellor (whom I call Davie or Chanca). Moments later my dad came walking up the stairs holding a light bulb with melted plastic on it. There was no fire! The boys had been putting a pom-pom on top of a lamp pretending like it was fire or hair or something else crazy. It was quite a trying 15 minutes.

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